Terrigal Skillion


Original Oil Painting on Canvas


w 91 × h 61 × 5cms

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Original Oil Painting on Canvas


w 91 × h 61 × 5cms

Personal Delivery within 200km

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Original Oil Painting on Canvas


w 91 × h 61 × 5cms

Personal Delivery within 200km

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Original Artwork

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Terrigal Skillion

This imposing landscape feels like an eternal statement of lands confrontation with the boundless Pacific Ocean. The history of rising and falling seas and buckling land mass has gone on before our time and will continue well after we are gone.

The colours of the Skillion change throughout the day as the early sun draws out the warmth of the sandstone or the later shadows provides cool tones of wet slate.

A magical place to be at any time of the day, this landscape puts people in their place as spectators at best. The tides of the ocean invade and recede as the struggle of land and sea cycle through each day and each century.

With or without people these forces continue their stubborn battle of change, both feeding from each others resistance with shape and shadows, sand and pebbles, colour and texture.

Where giants collide. Nature, the ultimate artist.